
The first manufacturing in Holden was done at Unionville, a village about half way between Chaffinville and Quinapoxet.

Messrs. Eleazer Rider and Sons commenced spinning Cotton Yarn here in 1809. These persons had previously been engaged in the same business at West Boylston. It is stated upon good authority that they were among the first, (if not the first) manufacturers of cotton yarn in Worcester County. In 1810, the factory of Messrs. Rider contained 48 spindles. The same year, the establishment was purchased by Mr. Joshua Bassett and Mr. Farnum White. An addition was then made of 56 spindles. Mr. John Rudman purchased of Bassett and White, in 1814. The factory was sold to Mr. John Slater, in 1819. In 1821, Mr. John Lees, became the owner who continued to make repairs and additions during the three following years. Weaving by the power loom commenced in 1822. In 1824, Mr. Lees sold nineteen bales of sheeting to Mr. Samuel Parkman, Jr., of Boston, who shipped the goods to Batavia. It was reported at the time, to have been the first shipment of cotton goods from this country, which passed around Cape Good Hope.

Mr. Lees ran the mill more than twenty years, the firm name being Lees and Eldridge.

Later, Jonathan M. Ladd ran it a number of years. The mill was last operated by Charles L. Truchon, who confined its operations to the spinning of cotton yarn which gave employment to about twenty persons. It was destroyed by fire August, 8, 1882.

Source: Florence Newell Prouty, History of the Town of Holden, Massachusetts, 1667–1941 (Holden, Mass.: 200th Anniversary Committee for the Town of Holden, 1941), 157.