District 1:
The Center — Margery A. Rice

The history of The Center School goes back many years before the present structure that is at 48 Phillips Road. The first school building erected in the center of town was said to be 136 rods west of the meeting house on the north side of Main Street. The location of the school house lot is given in the layout of the Sixth Massachusetts Turnpike (1800). This would put the location of the school opposite the location where Park Avenue meets Main Street.

May 1754 - The town attempted to build its first school house in the center. Voted "that ye Town grant Thirteen pounds Six Shillings and Eight pense to be raised and Assessed on ye Polls and Estates within the Town of Holden to build a School-House in or near the center of Sd. Town. and that any of ye Inhabitants may pay his Rate towards the Building said School-House in materials proper to build ye Said School-House withal the Sd. materials to be at ye Common market price and Delivered Seasonablely next at Two Shillings for a mans Days work he finding himself bouth with Tools proper to work withal and provision."

May 1755 - On the warrant appears "To see if the Town will Reconsider that vote passed in ye Last may meeting to Build a School House in the Middle of ye Town and for ye Town to Dispose of Sd. Fraim as they Shall think proper."

Proceedings of the meeting are as follows:

"The Seventh Article in ye warning being (to) put Just in ye words of ye Warning it passed in ye Negative."

Two consecutive town meetings have confirmed the town's desire to build a school house in the center of town, but the building is slow to materialize.

March 1761 - Voted "to Go on and finish the School House according to the old Vote and Lay their amount Before the Town."

September 1762 - Voted "that the School House in the middle of this Town be Voted to thouse that are willing to go there paying, Israel Davis the account that he Layd Before the Town Last May Namely 83 =9=6, old ten and so have it for there own House and So Be Exempted from helping to Build any other School House in this Town and also Voted that it be a free School." It took the people of the center of town nearly eight years to get the first school completed.

March 1791 - The people of the center district made repeated attempts to build a new school house. Voted "To Give Liberty for the Squadron in the middle of the Town to Set a School house Near the old Meeting house the selectmen ordering where Sd. House Shall Stand." It appears that the house built in 1762 is no longer adequate.

March 1794 - Voted "that the Center School Squadron may set a house on the Common where the selectmen shall agree."

March 1816 - Article 8 on the warrant - "To see if the Town will Unite with the Center School District for a Town House and School House under one roof or act anything thereon as the Town may think proper." Each school district is still dealing individually with the town for school buildings.

October 1819 - Article 3 on the warrant - "To see if the town will Exchange a piece of land with the Center School district where the pound now stands for to build a school house upon - for another suitable piece for a pound and upon what conditions." The town passed over this request and the Center School District was still searching for a new school location.

April 1820 - Article 3 on warrant - "To see if the Town will Sell School District No. 1 a piece of Land to Build a School House upon the N.E. Corner of the Common." Again, the Town Meeting passed over this article.

July 1821 Article 3 - "To see if the Town will take in Consideration the propriety of Selling the School District Number one a piece of land for a School House if so Choose a Committee to report at Some future meeting." Once more the town chose to pass over this article.

March 1824 - Appeared on warrant - "To see if the Town will erect a Town Hall in connection with the school House of District No. 1 or act and do anything respecting the same." The next recorded school building was built about 1824. Originally it was a one-room schoolhouse.

1844 - The one-room school was divided into two rooms. This building occupies the lot on the northwest corner of Main Street and the present Bubar driveway. For many years this building served as the residence of Artemus D. Bascom and his family. Today the building is recognized as Mario's Beauty Shop.

Center School on the right at the intersection of Main St. and Boyden Road

1845 - A third and larger building was built about 1845 in the approximate location of the present Senior Center. This became known as the Center School. This two-story structure had minor alterations made to it, and in 1880 the top floor of the building became Holden's first High School. (In 1888 larger quarters were needed for the high school and they moved to the second floor of the newly completed Damon Memorial on Highland Street.) The Center School continued at this site until eventual overcrowding necessitated a move. The old Center School was sold to Dr. Frank Washburn. Dr. Washburn had the building moved to its present site at Boyden Road where it served as a clinic building and is currently used as an apartment building.

The Center School on its original site as viewed from Boyden Road.
Holden's Senior Center occupies the site today.

1866 - Because of overcrowding, it was necessary to have two schools going throughout the year.

1869 - The school was unsuited for winter use. The whole interior needed to be remodeled. The four small, ill-arranged rooms were made into two larger rooms. The entrance hall was place at the rear rather than in the center of the building.

1910 - On May 17, 1910 the town voted to acquire the "Phillips" and the "Car" lots located on Phillips Road. $20,000 was appropriated ($19,052 spent) to construct a four room school house. It was designed to house grades one through 8. Each room contained two grades. Work began in October, 1910 and was completed on August 1, 1911.

Center School/Rice School after its construction in 1910

1922 - In 1922 another four-room addition was built to the back of the existing Center School at a cost of $30,504.08.

1930 - In 1930 the Center School was given the name of the Margery A. Rice School in appreciation of Miss Margery A. Rice, who served as a teacher for forty-six years in the Center School.

1932 - Rice School purchased a radio in 1932.

1933 - Miss Margery A. Rice died in 1933.

1934 - In 1934 Mr. Frank Knowlton donated a corner lot on Woodland Road that adjoined the school property to be used for a playground.

1949 - Because of the projected increase in school enrollment, $185,448 was appropriated at the March 19, 1949 Town Meeting for an addition to Rice School. L.W. Briggs Company of 90 Park Avenue, Worcester, MA was chosen as architect. On April 2, 1949 ground was broken and construction began on four additional classrooms, an auditorium, lunchroom, kitchen, principal's office, nurse's office, and a teachers' room. Sewal & Smith Construction Company of Framingham, MA was given the construction contract on March 25, 1949 and completed the work for $174,105.00 On April 24, 1950, grades one and two moved into the new addition.

1973 - The last addition to Rice School was begun on June 27, 1973 and consisted of a kindergarten room, a gymnasium, and assorted storage rooms. The addition was completed in April, 1974 at a cost of $273,778. The new gymnasium was dedicated by the staff and P.F.A. (Parent Faculty Association) to M. Louise Cawley, because of her long felt desire that some day a gymnasium would be built for Rice School students and for her forty-three years of service to Rice School. The first kindergarten class was held in the basement of the 1922 building until the addition was completed.

Architectural details of Rice School

2000 - At the close of the 1999/2000 school year, Rice School closed its doors and its students moved to the newly constructed Davis Hill Elementary School.


Administrators of Rice School

Before 1920 there is only a scattered reference to any kind of "principal." It appears that the senior grade teacher (8th or 9th grade) was the one to take responsibility for the functioning of the building.

1897 - Annie C. Maxfield (5, 7, 9, Principal)

1898 - Annie C. Maxfield (Principal)

1899 - Lillian MacDonald (senior grammar school teacher)

1910 to 1911 - Elizabeth A. Brown (senior grammar school teacher)

1912 to 1919 - Dagny C. Lindgren (senior grammar school teacher)

1920 to 1921 - Dagny C. Lindgren (7–8 & principal)

1922 to 1927 - Dagny C. Lindgren (8 & principal)

1928 to 1930 - Robert C. Sturke (8 & principal)

1931 - Philip J. Flynn (8 & principal)

1932 to 1934 - Clifford R. Wallace (8 & principal)

1935 to 1943 - Roger F. Langley (8 & principal)

1944 to 1952 - M. Louise Cawley (8 & principal)

After 1952, principals no longer held teaching positions.

1953 to 1968 - M. Louise Cawley

1969 to 1999 C. William Howland

2000 - Clifton La Porte

Known Teachers

1859 - E. J. Russell, M. M. Estabrook

1860 - A. Parker, J. H. Gleason, E. J. Russell

1861 - Miss Jane E. Mann, Miss Susan A. Damon, Mr. C. P. Wyman

1862 - Miss Ann E. Warren, Miss E. L. Williams, Mr. C. P. Wyman, Miss Jane E. Mann, Miss Susan A. Damon

1863 - C. E. Knowlton, Dora Burnett, Alice W. Robbins

1864 -

1865 - Sarah J. Colvin, Eldora I. Burnett, Carrie E. Knowlton, Henry A. Dean

1866 - Carrie E. Knowlton, Sarah J. Colvin, Henry Dean, Eldora I. Burnett

1867 - Georgia A. Stacy, Hattie L. Waters, Carrie E. Knowlton, Sarah C. Pickett

1868 - Nellie M. Davis, Jennie E. Mann, Laura M. Paine, Mr. L. O. Robertson

1869 - Miss Jennie Mann, Miss Nancy Perry, E. M. Howard

1870 -

1871 - Emma F. Newell, E. Kidder, Eunice C. Boyden, Belle Moody, William N. Armington

1872 - Emma F. Newell, E. Kidder

1873 - Emma F. Newell, Fannie C. Stone

1874 - Fannie C. Stone

1875 - Fannie C. Stone

1876 - Fannie C. Stone

1877 - Fannie C. Stone

1878 - Fannie C. Stone

1879 - Fannie C. Stone

1880 - Nellie E. Stone, Fannie C. Stone

1881 - Gertrude D. Kilbourn

1882 - Emma A. Cochran, Flora C. Holt

1883 - Jessie M. Nichols, Marcus White

1884 - Ella P. Newton, N. M. Bascom (assistant)

1885 - Ella P. Newton, M. McLaughliin, Margery A. Rice

1886 - Mary E. Tandy , Frank S. Howard, Allan D. Risteen, Margery A. Rice (assistant)

1887 - Mary W. Leonard, Margery A. Rice (assistant)

1888 - Addie M. Black, Nellie M. Bascom, Margery A. Rice

1889 - Nellie M. Bascom, Margery A. Rice

1890 - Miss Nellie M. Bascom, Miss Lila S. Boyden, Miss Magggie A. Rice

1891 - Miss Maud Graham, Bernice Lowell, Nellie Bascom, Margery A. Rice

1892 - Emily M. Sturtevant, Mrs. C. E. Stevens, Margery A. Rice

1893 - Miss Legate, Florence E. Allen, Margery A. Rice

1894 - Florence E. Allen, Nettie E. Whitney, Laura H. Tunnicliffe, Margery A. Rice

1895 - Delia M. Hale, Annie C. Maxfield, Margery A. Rice

1896 - Annie C. Maxfield, Margery A. Rice

1897 - Annie C. Maxfield, Margery A. Rice

1898 - Annie C. Maxfield, Annie G. Jewett, Margery A. Rice

1899 - Annie G. Jewett, Anna M. Rochefort, Lillian MacDonald, Margery A. Rice

1900 - Lillian MacDonald, Florence L. Boynton, Margery A. Rice

1901 - Florence L. Boynton, Sadie Dexter, Margery A. Rice

1902 - Florence L. Boynton, Alma M. Atwell, Margery A. Rice

1903 - Alma M. Atwell, Margery A. Rice

1904 - Alma M. Atwell, M. E. Lewis, Margery A. Rice

1905 - Marion L. Mann, Margery A. Rice

1906 - Marion L. Mann, Elizabeth A. Brown, Margery A. Rice

1907 - Elizabeth A. Brown, Margery A. Rice

1908 - Elizabeth A. Brown, Margery A. Rice

1909 - Elizabeth A. Brown, Margery A. Rice

1910 - Elizabeth A. Brown, Mary L. Dolan & Alveda Greenwood, Margery A. Rice

1911 - Elizabeth A. Brown , Ida L. Shaw, Mary L. Dolan & Mary E. Daley, Jennie L. Hendricks, Margery A. Rice

1912 - Ida L. Shaw, Dagny L. Lindgren, Jennie L. Hendricks, Blanche E. Packard & Nellie O'Neil, Elinor T. Murphy, Margery A. Rice

1913 - Dagny C. Lindgren, Jennie L. Hendricks, Elinor T. Murphy, Margery A. Rice

1914 - Dagny C. Lindgren, Jennie L. Hendricks, Elinor T. Murphy, Ruth Butterfield, Margery A. Rice

1915 - Dagny C. Lindgren, Eva S. Allen, Ruth E. Butterfield, Mildred L. Burt (substitute), Margery A. Rice

1916 - Dagny C. Lindgren, Eva S. Allen, Mildred L. Burt, Margery A. Rice

1917 - Dagny C. Lindgren, Eva S. Allen, Mildred L. Burt , Gertrude B. Caswell (substitute), Margery A. Rice

1918 - Dagny C. Lindgren, Bertha Sullivan, Gadys L. Annis, Margery A. Rice

1919 - Dagny C. Lindgren, M. Alice Quinn, Gladys L. Annis, Margery A. Rice

1920 - Dagny C. Lindgren, Marie H. Lewis, Gladys L. Annis, Margery A. Rice

1921 - Dagny C. Lindgren, Marie H. Lewis, Gladys L. Annis, Margery A. Rice

1922 - Dagny C. Lindgren, L. Eva Stearns, Helen E. Barber, Margery A. Rice

1923 - Dagny C. Lindgren, L. Eva Stearns, Helen E. Barber, Elsie D. Mower, Gladys L. Annis, Margery A. Rice, Helen H. Wheeler

1923/24 - Dagny C. Lindgren, L. Eva Stearns, Anna E. Simmons, Edith T. Miles, Gladys L. Annis, Margery A. Rice, Johnena R. Mackay

1924/25 - Dagny C. Lindgren, L. Eva Stearns, Louise L. Purdy, Helga E. Peterson, Helena K. Rutherford, Margery A. Rice, Dorothea B. Goddard

1925/26 - Dagny C. Lindgren, Mary G. Gates, Ida E. Paignon, Evleyn S. Mayer, Elsie M. Jordan, Helena K. Rutherford, Margery A. Rice, Dorothea B. Goddard

1926/27 - Dagny Lindgren, M. Louise Cawley, Ida E. Paignon, Evelyn S. Meyer, Helen G. Snow, Syrena M. Johnson, Margery A. Rice, Dorothea B. Goddard

1927/28 - Robert C. Sturke (Principal), M. Louise Cawley, Ruth E. Johnson, Evelyn S. Meyer, Helen G. Snow, Syrena M. Johnson, Margery A. Rice, Dorothea B. Goddard

1928/29 - Robert C. Sturke, M. Louise Cawley, Nora A. Fleming, Ruth E. Johnson, Helen G. Snow, Agnes H. Neal, Margery A. Rice, Dorothea B. Goddard

1929/30 - Robert C. Sturke, Henry F. Norton, M. Louise Cawley, Nora A. Fleming, Ruth E. Johnson, Helen G. Snow, Agnes H. Neal, Margery A. Rice, Dorothea B. Goddard, Bertha C. Hall

1930/31 - Philip J. Flynn, M. Louise Cawley, Nora A. Fleming, Ruth E. Johnson, Helen G. Snow, Agnes H. Neal, Dora G. Lupien, Bertha C. Hall

1931/32 - Clifford R. Wallace, M. Louise Cawley, Nora A. Fleming, Ruth E. Johnson, Helen G. Snow, Agnes H. Neal, Dora G. Lupien, Bertha C. Hall

1932/33 - Clifford R. Wallace, M. Louise Cawley, Nora A. Fleming, Catherine A. Guilfoyle, Helen G. Snow, Edith M. Handy, Mary E. Palmer, Bertha C. Hall

1933/34 - Clifford R. Wallace, M. Louise Cawley, Nora A. Fleming, Catherine A. Guilfoyle, Helen G. Snow, Edith M. Handy, Mary E. Palmer, Cathryne Y. Nutter, Mabel N. Smith

1934/35 - Roger F. Langley, M. Louise Cawley, Nora A. Fleming, Catherine A. Guilfoyle, Helen G. Snow, Edith M. Handy, Etta E. Larkin, Lois E. Hagerman, Mabel N. Smith

1935/36 - Roger F. Langley, M. Louise Cawley, Florence L. Virtue, Catherine A. Guilfoyle, Helen G. Snow, Edith M. Handy, M. Lois Hagerman, Mabel N. Smith

1936/37 - Roger F. Langley, M. Louise Cawley, Iris B. Howes, Catherine A. Guilfoyle, Helen G. Snow, Edith M. Handy, M. Lois Hagerman, Daisy R. Erickson, Mabel N. Smith

1937/38 - Roger F. Langley, M. Louise Cawley, Beatrice M. Taylor, Catherine A. Guilfoyle, Helen G. Snow, Edith M. Handy, Daisy R. Erickson, Mabel N. Smith

1938/39 - Roger F. Langley, M. Louise Cawley, Virginia H. Dalot, Catherine A. Guilfoyle, Helen G. Snow, Edith M. Handy, Daisy R. Erickson, Marion V. Parker

1939/40 - Roger F. Langley, M. Louise Cawley, Virginia H. Dalot, Catherine A. Guilfoyle, Helen G. Snow, Edith M. Handy, Daisy R. Erickson, Marion V. Parker, Hazel B. White

1940/41 - Roger F. Langley, M. Louise Cawley, Virginia H. Dalot, Catherine A. Guilfoyle, Helen G. Snow, Edith M. Handy, Dorothy M. Davis, Daisy R. Erickson, Mabel N. Smith

1941/42 - Roger F. Langley, M. Louise Cawley, Virginia D. Lambson, Catherine A. Guilfoyle, Esther E. Matthews, Helen G. Snow, Dorothy M. Davis, Norma W. Gagnon, Edith M. Handy, Daisy R. Erickson, Mabel N. Smith

1942/43 - Roger F. Langley, M. Louise Cawley, Virginia D. Lambson, Helen S. Harding, Norma W. Gagnon, Dorothy M. Davis, Helen G. Snow, Edith M. Handy, Daisy R. Erickson, Mabel N. Smith

1943/44 - M. Louise Cawley, Vivian L. Polley, Olivia Matson, Helen S. Harding, Helen D. Montgomery, Marjorie I. Samuelson, Helen G. Snow, Edith M. Handy, Daisy R. Erickson, Mabel N. Smith

1944/45 - M. Louise Cawley, Vivian Polley, Helen D. Montgomery, Marjorie I. Sameulson, Ethel M. Dow, Helen G. Snow, Edith M. Handy, Carolyn M. Olson, Mabel N. Smith, Dorothy S. Drawbridge

1945/46 - M. Louise Cawley, Vivian L. Hayden, Helen D. Montgomery, Marjorie H. Pentland, Richard F. Smith, Helen G. Snow, Kathleen F. Relihan, Carolyn M. Olson, Mabel N. Smith, Edith M. Handy

1946/47 - M. Louise Cawley, Vivian L. Hayden, Helen D. Montgomery, Ethel M. Dow, Helen G. Snow, Kathleen F. Relihan, Helen S. Harding, Mabel N. Smith, Rachel E. Perry, Edith M. Handy

1947/48 - M. Louise Cawley, Laura R. Havener, Helen D. Montgomery, Ethel M. Dow, Helen G. Snow, Kathleen F. Relihan, Gladys S. Turner, Clara E. Graham, Mabel N. Smith , Rachel E. Perry, Edith M. Handy

1948/49 - M. Louise Cawley, Laura R. Havener, Helen D. Montgomery, Ethel M. Dow, Helen G. Snow, Evelyn J. Ives, Kathleen F. Relihan, Doris E. Powers, Clara A. Graham, Mabel N. Smith, Rachel E. Perry, Edith M. Handy

1940/50 - M. Louise Cawley, Laura R. Havener, Helen D. Montgomery, Ethel M. Dow, Helen G. Snow, Evelyn J. Ives, Kathleen F. Relihan, Virginia L. Hayden, Doris E. Powers, Clara A. Graham, Mabel N. Smith, Rachel E. Perry, Edith M. Handy

1950/51 - M. Louise Cawley, Laura R. Havener, Helen D. Montgomery, Ethel M. Dow, Helen G. Snow, Evelyn J. Ives, Kathleen F. Relihan, Virginia L. Hayden, Doris E. Powers, Clara A. Graham, Mabel N. Smith, Rachel E. Perry, Edith M. Handy

1951/52 - M. Louise Cawley, Elizabeth A. Grimes, Helen D. Montgomery, Evelyn J. Ives, Ethel M. Dow, Helen G. Snow, Geneva J. Ames, Nora A. Foley, Kathleen F. Relihan, Vivian L. Hayden, Doris E. Powers, Clara A. Graham, Mabel N. Smith, Rachel E. Perry, Edith M. Handy

1952/53 - M. Louise Cawley, Elizabeth A. Grimes, Helen D. Montgomery, Evelyn J. Ives, Ethel M. Dow, Helen G. Snow, Geneva J. Ames, Nora A. Foley, Kathleen F. Relihan, Vivian L. Hayden, Doris E. Powers, Clara A. Graham, Mabel N. Smith, Rachel E. Perry, Edith M. Handy

1953/54 - James H. Looney, Jr., Elizabeth A. Grimes, Virginia M. Hegvig, Helen D. Montgomery, Evelyn J. Ives, Ethel M. Dow, Helen G. Snow, Nora A. Foley, Lois A. Boothby, Kathleen F. Relihan, Virginia L. Hayden, Doris E. Powers, Clara A. Graham, Mabel N. Smith, Rachel E. Perry, Edith M. Handy

1954/55 - Helen D. Montgomery, Evelyn J. Ives, Ethel M. Dow, Helen G. Snow, Nora A. Foley, Marie E. Saunders, Kathleen F. Relihan, Virginia L. Hayden, Doris E. Powers, Clara A. Graham, Emma J. Fisher, Mabel N. Smith, Rachel E. Perry, Edith M. Handy

1955/56 - Mrs. Evelyn J. Ives, Mrs. Helen D. Montgomery, Mrs. Ethel M. Dow, Miss Helen G. Snow, Mrs. Nora A. Foley, Miss Marie E. Saunders, Mrs. Vivian L. Hayden, Miss Kathleen F. Relihan, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Mrs. Helen F. Jones, Mrs. Mabel N. Smith, Mrs. Rachel E. Perry, Mrs. Emma Jane Fisher, Mrs. Edith M. Handy

1956/57 - Mrs. Evelyn J. Ives, Mrs. Vivian L. Hayden, Mrs. Ethel M. Dow, Miss Helen G. Snow, Mrs. Nora A. Foley, Miss Marie E. Saunders, Miss Kathleen F. Relihan, Miss Ruth N. Reynolds, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Mrs. Marion C. Petty, Mrs. Mabel N. Smith, Mrs. Rachel E. Perry, Mrs. Emma Jane Fisher, Mrs. Edith M. Handy

1957/58 - Mrs. Evelyn J. Ives, Mrs. Vivian L. Hayden, Mrs. Ethel M. Dow, Miss Helen G. Snow, Mrs. Irene P. Haller, Mrs. Nora A. Foley, Miss Kathleen F. Relihan, Miss Catherine Kaler, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Mrs. Marion C. Petty, Mrs. Mabel N. Smith, Miss Ellen M. Putkisto, Mrs. Edith M. Handy

1958/59 - Mrs. Evelyn J. Ives, Mrs. Vivian L. Hayden, Mrs. Ethel M. Dow, Miss Helen G. Snow, Mrs. Irene P. Haller, Mrs. Nora A. Foley, Miss Kathleen F. Relihan, Mrs. Catherine K. Bartlett, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Miss Ellen M. Putkisto, Mrs. Edith M. Handy, Mrs. Viola E. Sweeney

1959/60 - Mrs. Vivian L. Hayden, Mrs. Jane W. Waterhouse, Mrs. Ethel M. Dow, Miss Helen G. Snow, Mrs. Irene P. Haller, Mrs. Nora A. Foley, Miss Kathleen F. Relihan, Mrs. Catherine K. Bartlett, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Miss Ellen M. Putkisto, Mrs. Edith M. Handy, Mrs. Viola E. Sweeney

1960/61 - Mrs. Vivian L. Hayden, Mrs. Jane W. Waterhouse, Mrs. Ethel M. Dow, Miss Helen G. Snow, Mrs. Nora A. Foley, Mrs. Irene P. Haller, Miss Kathleen F. Relihan, Miss Nancy J. Scola, Miss Shirley C. Smith, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Miss Ellen M. Putkisto, Mrs. Viola E. Sweeney, Mrs. Edith M. Handy

1961/62 - Mrs. Vivian L. Hayden, Mrs. Jane W. Waterhouse, Clarence W. Howland, Miss Helen G. Snow, Mrs. Nora A. Foley, Burton R. Frost, Miss Kathleen F. Reliha, Miss Shirley C. Smith, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, Miss Ellen M. Putkisto, Mrs. Viola E. Sweeney, Mrs. Edith M. Handy

1962/63 - Mrs. Vivian L. Hayden, Mrs. Jane W. Waterhouse, Clarence W. Howland, Miss Helen G. Snow, Burton R. Frost, Mrs. Beatrice Starr, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, Miss Kathleen F. Relihan, Mrs. Dorothy S. Drawbridge, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Mrs. Muriel L. Cullen, Mrs. Viola E. Sweeney, Mrs. Edith M. Handy

1963/64 - Mrs. Vivian L. Hayden, Mrs. Jane W. Waterhouse, Clarence W. Howland, Miss Helen G. Snow, Burton R. Frost, Mrs. Beatrice Starr, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, Mrs. Dorothy S. Drawbridge, Miss Kathleen F. Relihan, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Miss Joan C. Nichols, Mrs. Viola E. Sweeney, Mrs. Edith M. Handy

1964/65 - Mrs. Vivian L. Hayden, Mrs. Jane W. Waterhouse, C. William Howland, Miss Helen G. Snow, Mrs. Dorothy S. Drawbridge, Burton R. Frost, Mrs. Beatrice Starr, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, Miss Kathleen F. Relihan, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Miss Joan C. Nichols, Mrs. Viola E. Sweeney, Mrs. Edith M. Handy

1965/66 - Mrs. Vivian L. Hayden, Mrs. Jane W. Waterhouse, Mrs. Dorothy S. Drawbridge, C. William Howland, Miss Helen G. Snow, Burton R. Frost, Mrs. Beatrice Starr, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, Miss Kathleen F. Relihan, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Mrs. Joan C. Shahnarian, Mrs. Viola E. Sweeney, Mrs. Edith M. Handy

1966/67 - Mrs. Vivian L. Hayden, Raymond A. Goodness, Mrs. Ingrid Cheek, Miss Helen G. Snow, Burton R. Frost, Mrs. Beatrice Starr, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, Miss Kathleen F. Relihan, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Mrs. Joan C. Shahnarian, Mrs. Viola E. Sweeney, Mrs. Dorothy S. Drawbridge

1967/68 - Mrs. Vivian L. Hayden, Miss Catherine A. Carson, Miss Helen G. Snow, Burton R. Frost, Miss Anne F. Trainor, Mrs. Beatrice Starr, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, Miss Kathleen F. Relihan, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Mrs. Joan C. Shahnaria, Mrs. Jean C. Smith, Mrs. Dorothy S. Drawbridge

1968/69 - Mrs. Vivian L. Hayden, Miss Helen G. Snow, Miss Anne F. Trainor, Miss Christine C. Hague, Mrs. Beatrice Starr, Mr. Burton R. Frost, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, Miss Kathleen F. Relihan, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Mrs. Joan C. Shahnarian, Mrs. Miriam C. Wills, Mrs. Dorothy S. Drawbridge

1969/70 - Miss Joan E. Welch, Miss Helen G. Snow, Miss Anne F. Trainor, Robert L. Zukowski, Mrs. Marie D. Kumpey, Mrs. Beatrice Starr, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, Miss Kathleen F. Relihan, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Mrs. Joan C. Shahnarian, Mrs. Miriam C. Wills, Mrs. Dorothy S. Drawbridge

1970/71 - Miss Joan E. Welch, Miss Helen G. Snow, Robert L. Zukowski, Mrs. Marie D. Kumpey, John R. Locke, Mrs. Beatrice Starr, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, Mrs. Arlene J. Johnson, Miss Kathleen F. Relihan, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Mrs. Joan C. Shahnarian, Mrs. Miriam C. Wills, Mrs. Dorothy S. Drawbridge

1971/72 - Miss Joan E. Welch, Miss Helen G. Snow, John R. Locke, Mrs. Marie D. Kumpey, Mrs. Beatrice Starr, Mrs. Arlene J. Johnson, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, Miss Kathleen F. Relihan, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Miss Maureen L. Farrey, Mrs. Joan C. Shahnarian, Mrs. Miriam C. Wills, Mrs. Dorothy S. Drawbridge

1972/73 - Miss Joan E. Welch, Charles T. Skillings, John R. Locke, Mrs. Marie D. Kumpey, Miss Linda L. Prouty, Mrs. Arlene J. Johnson, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, Miss Kathleen F. Relihan, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Miss Maureen L. Farrey, Mrs. Joan C. Shahnarian, Mrs. Miriam C. Wills, Mrs. Dorothy S. Drawbridge

1973/74 - Miss Joan E. Welch, Mrs. Marie D. Kumpey, Charles T. Skillings, Mrs. Irene E. Blanchard, Mrs. Arlene J. Johnson, Brian J. Wallace, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, John R. Locke, Mrs. Ann I. Kokernak, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Miss Maureen L. Farrey, Mrs. Joan C. Shahnarian, Mrs. Miriam C. Wills, Miss Linda L. Prouty, Mrs. Dorothy S. Drawbridge

1974/75 - Miss Joan E. Welch, John R. Locke, Charles T. Skillings, Mrs. Arlene J. Johnson, Mrs. Marie D. Kumpey, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, Brian J. Wallace, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Mrs. Joan C. Shahnarian, Mrs. Miriam C. Wills, Miss Linda L. Prouty, Mrs. Dorothy S. Drawbridge, Mrs. Mary Ann Rufo

1975/76 - Miss Joan E. Welch, John R. Locke, Charles T. Skillings, Mrs. Arlene J. Johnson, Mrs. Marie D. Kumpey, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, Brian J. Wallace, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Mrs. Joan C. Shahnarian, Mrs. Miriam C. Wills, Miss Linda L. Prouty, Mrs. Dorothy S. Drawbridge

1976/77 - Miss Joan E. Welch, John R. Locke, Charles T. Skillings, Mrs. Arlene J. Johnson, Mrs. Marie D. Kumpey, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, Brian J. Wallace, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Mrs. Joan C. Shahnarian, Mrs. Miriam C. Wills, Mrs. Linda L. Prouty Lipka, Mrs. Dorothy S. Drawbridge

1977/78 - Miss Joan E. Welch, Charles T. Skillings, Brian J. Wallace, Mrs. Arlene J. Johnson, Mrs. Marie D. Kumpey, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, Miss Patricia E. Knox, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Mrs. Joan C. Shahnarian, Mrs. Miriam C. Wills, Mrs. Linda Prouty Lipka

1978/79 - Miss Joan E. Welch, Charles T. Skillings, Brian J. Wallace, Mrs. Arlene J. Johnson, Mrs. Marie D. Kumpey, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, Miss Patricia E. Knox, Mrs. Clara A. Graham, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Mrs. Joan C. Shahnarian, Mrs. Miriam C. Wills, Mrs. Linda Prouty Lipka, Mrs. Elizabeth Zeena

1979/80 - Miss Joan E. Welch, Brian J. Wallace, Mrs. Nancy K. Horan, Mrs. Arlene Johnson-Drawbridge, Mrs. Marie D. Kumpey, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, Miss Patricia E. Knox, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Charles T. Skillings, Mrs. Joan C. Shahnarian, Mrs. Miriam C. Wills, Mrs. Linda Prouty Lipka, Mrs. Elizabeth Zeena

1980/81 - Miss Joan E. Welch, Brian J. Wallace, Mrs. Nancy K. Horan, Mrs. Arlene Johnson-Drawbridge, Mrs. Marie D. Kumpey, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, Miss Patricia E. Knox, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Charles T. Skillings, Mrs. Joan C. Shahnarian, Mrs. Miriam C. Wills, Mrs. Linda Prouty Lipka, Mrs. Elizabeth Zeena

1981/82 - Miss Joan E. Welch, Charles T. Skillings, Brian J. Wallace, Mrs. Arlene Johnson-Drawbridge, Mrs. Marie D. Kumpey, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, John R. Locke, Mrs. Carol K. Lundgren, Miss Patricia E. Knox, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Mrs. Joan C. Shahnarian, Mrs. Miriam C. Wills, Mrs. Linda Prouty Lipka, Mrs. Elizabeth Zeena

1982/83 - Miss Joan E. Welch, Charles T. Skillings, Brian J. Wallace, Mrs. Arlene Johnson-Drawbridge, Mrs. Marie D. Kumpey, John R. Locke, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, David G. McClure, Mrs. Carol K. Lundgren, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Mrs. Joan C. Shahnarian, Mrs. Miriam C. Wills, Mrs. Linda Prouty Lipka, Mrs. Elizabeth Zeena

1983/84 - Miss Joan E. Welch, John R. Locke, Charles T. Skillings, Brian J. Wallace, Mrs. Arlene Johnson-Drawbridge, Mrs. Marie D. Kumpey, Mrs. Irene E. Blanchard, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, Mrs. Carol K. Lundgren, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Mrs. Joan C. Shahnarian, Mrs. Miriam C. Wills, Mrs. Linda Prouty Lipka, Mrs. Elizabeth Zeena

1984/85 - Miss Joan E. Welch, Charles T. Skillings, Brian J. Wallace, Mrs. Arlene Johnson-Drawbridge, Mrs. Marie D. Kumpey, Mrs. Irene E. Blanchard, Miss Barbara M. Brooks, Mrs. Carol K. Lundgren, Mrs. Doris E. Powers, Mrs. Joan C. Shahnarian, Mrs. Miriam C. Wills, Mrs. Linda Prouty Lipka, Mrs. Elizabeth Zeena

1985/86 - Names not printed in Town Report

1986/87 - Names not printed in Town Report

1987/88 - Names not printed in Town Report

1988/89 - Names not printed in Town Report

1989/90 - Names not printed in Town Report

1990/91 - Leo P. Labbe, Irene E. Blanchard, Kathleen Dube, Faye M. Ellis, Nancy Erali, Nancy Farrell, Arlene J. Johnson-Drawbridge, Kathleen Lawton, Linda P. Lipka, Carolyn K. Lundgren, Maryanne E. Rufo, Joan C. Shahnarian, Charles T. Skillings, Brian J. Wallace, Miriam L. Wills, Elizabeth A. Zeena

1991/92 - John N. Bebas, Irene E. Blanchard, Kathleen Dube, Faye M. Ellis, Nancy Erali, Arlene J. Johnson-Drawbridge, Linda P. Lipka, Richard Loud, Carolyn K. Lundgren, David G. McClure, Maryanne E. Rufo, Joan C. Shahnarian, Charles T. Skillings, Brian J. Wallace, Miriam L. Wills, Elizabeth A. Zeena

1992/93 - John N. Bebas, Irene E. Blanchard, Kathleen Dube, Faye M. Ellis, Nancy Erali, Arlene J. Johnson-Drawbridge, Linda P. Lipka, Carolyn K. Lundgren, David G. McClure, Nichols, Joan C., Maryanne E. Rufo, Charles T. Skillings, Brian J. Wallace, Miriam L. Wills, Elizabeth A. Zeena