History of Holden High School

1880 - Holden began its first public high school. Holden's first public high school opened in the spring of 1880 under the direction of Miss Cornelia M. Thurston. She stayed only one term. Classes were held in the upstairs rooms of the Center School. At its beginning, the high school was for grades 10–12. In September of 1880, Mr. Alonzo K. Learned began as principal with one assistant.

1881 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal.

1882 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal and Eudora E. Hay and D. B. Coxe were assistants.

1883 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal and W. C. Whiting was assistant.

1884 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal and W.C. Whiting was assistant.

1885 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal. C. S. Jackson Van Deusen was assistant.

1886 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal and Lucy W. Cain was assistant.

1887 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal and Miss Lucy W. Cain was assistant.

1888 - With the completion of the Damon Memorial the High School moved for the first time into the upstairs rooms of Damon Memorial. In 1886 the town formed a committee to investigate ways and means to have a new high school built. Mr. Samuel Chester Gale and his wife, Susan (Damon) Gale informed the citizens at the annual town meeting of March 12, 1887 by way of a letter, "I am now able to say, that, unless prevented by some misfortune, I shall commence the present season to erect upon the Chenery lot a building adapted to both High School and Library purposes. I design to have the walls completed and the roof on before next winter, and have the same fully completed ready for occupancy as early as September, 1888." Alonzo K. Learned was principal and Miss Lizabeth M. Learned was assistant.

1889 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal and Miss Lizabeth M. Learned was assistant.

1890 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal and Miss Elizabeth Learned was assistant.

1891 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal with Mary E. Buzzell and Nellie M. Bascom as assistants.

1892 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal, and Florence E. Allen and Miss Legate were assistants.

1893 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal, and Miss E. M. Reed and Miss Nettie E. Whitney were assistants.

1894 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal.

1895 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal.

1896 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal.

1897 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal and Clare J. Bodge was assistant.

1898 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal and Helen J. Stimpson was assistant.

1899 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal and Helen J. Stimpson and Lilly E. Gunderman were assistants.

1900 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal, and Lily E. Gunderman was assistant. During this year there were forty-one students at the high school.

1901 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal and Lily E. Gundrman was assistant. In 1901 the 9th grade was placed into the high school. Between 1901 and 1905 a second assistant was added to the staff.

1902 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal with Lilly E. Gunderman and Marion E. Bascom were assistants. There was no graduating class during this year.

1903 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal and Marion E. Bascom was assistant.

1904 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal and Marion E. Bascom was assistant.

1905 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal and Marion E. Bascom was assistant. There was no graduating class during this year.

1906 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal and Marion E. Bascom and Anjennette Newton were assistants.

1907 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal and Marion E. Bascom and Anjennette Newton were assistants.

1908 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal and Marion E. Bascom and Anjennette Newton were assistants.

1909 - Alonzo K. Learned was principal and Marion E. Bascom and Anjennette Newton were assistants.

1910 - During this year Mr. Alonzo K. Learned resigned as principal after thirty years of service. Herbert C. Collar was appointed principal. Assistants were Marion A. Bascom and Anjennette Newton.

1911 - Mr. Learned was followed by Mr. Herbert C. Collar (from Dartmouth). While Mr. Collar was principal, the 9th grade was moved back to the Center School, the course of studies was rearranged, and a third assistant was hired. Mr. Collar started the Athletic Association in the fall of 1911. Howard A. Newton, Marion A. Bascon, and Anjennette Newton and Ruth W. Bartlett were assistants.

1912 - Howard A. Newton was principal. Assistants were Marion A. Bascom, Anjennette Newton, and Catherine D. Brown.

1913 - Howard A. Newton was principal. Assistants were Vera Mann, Ella Pope, Mary H. Dodd, and Madolin Curtis.

1914 - Howard A. Newton was principal.

1915 - Claude A. Gray was principal. Vera A. Mann was the assistant. Blanche G. Whitman, and Gladys C. Keith were teachers.

1916 - Clude A. Gray was principal. Vera A. Mann, Blanche G. E. Whitman, Margaret S. Romary, Gladys E. Keith, and Ruth D. Coombs were teachers.

1917 - Claude A. Gray was principal. Vera A. Mann, Ruth D. Coombs, Margaret S. Romary, Jessamine Fenner, and Anna E. Hammond were teachers.

1918 - Edwin A. Richardson was principal. Dorothy L. Odell, Mary E. Boyd, Julia B. Wood, Anna E. Hammond were teachers.

1919 - Edwin A. Richardson was principal. Julia B. Wood, Mary E. Boyd, L. Maude Spaulding, Marion L. Barrows, Marion H. Murchie, Hazel A. Tucker, Anna E. Hammond, Dorothy L. Odell, and Julia B. Wood were teachers.

1920 - Edward A. Richardson was principal. Helen M. Francis, Eleanor G. Gardner, Hazel A. Tucker, and Marion L. Barrows were teachers.

1921 - Edwin A. Richardson was principal. Teachers were Eleanor G. Gardner, Dorothy Moon, Grace M. Hart, and Miriam F. Parmenter were teachers.

1922 - Edwin A. Richardson was principal. Walter A. Stone, Eleanor G. Gardner, Grace M. Hart, and Miriam F. Parmenter were teachers.

1923 - Edwin A. Richardson was the principal. Carl C. Withrow, Eeanor G. Gardner, Annie B. Delano, Lena A. Rand, and Ruth C. Harlow were teachers.

1924 - Edwin A. Richardson was principal.

1925 - Edwin A. Richardson was principal. Teachers were Warren A. Bartlett, Annie B. Delano, Lena A. Rand, Eleanor G. Gardner, and Ruth C. Harlow. This was the last year the high school was housed at Damon Memorial.

1926 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal. The "new" Holden High School (Alonzo K. Learned High School) was completed. Teachers were Herbert Grayson, Annie B. Delano, Louise Cronin, Flora Chute, Galdys G. Parker, and Francis M. Pierce.

1927 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal. Teachers were Herbert Grayson, Annie B. Delano, Elizabeth S. Curtis, Catherine Matthews, Gladys G. Parker, Martha H. Anderson, and Francis M. Pierce.

1928 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal. Teachers were Herbert Grayson, Annie B. Delano, Leota E. Schoff, Catherine Matthews, Gladys G. Parker, Jessie E. Johnson, Eleanor E. Hall, and Eleanor S. Alvord.

1929 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal. Teachers were Herbert Grayson, Annie B. Delano, Leota E. Schoff, Ruth S. Jones, Gladys G. Parker, Jessie E. Johnson, Eleanor E. Hall, and Eleanor S. Alvord.

1930 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal. Teachers were Herbert Grayson, Annie B. Deleano, Leotta E. Schoff, Ruth S. Jones, Gladys G. Parker, Jessie E. Johnson, Frank W. Bjorklund, Marion L. Hall, Eleanor E. Hall, and Eleanor S. Alvord.

1931 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal. Teachers were Herbert Grayson, Annie B. Deleano, Leota E. Schoff, Ruth S. Jones, Gladys G. Parker, Marion L. Hall, Eleanor E. Hall, and Eleanor S. Alvord.

1932 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal. Teachers were Herbert Grayson, Annie B. Delano, Leota E. Schoff, Dorothy Beck, Gladys G. Parker, Frederick T. Hawes, Eleanor E. Hall, and Eleanor S. Alvord.

1933 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal. Teachers were Herbert Grayson, Annie B. Delano, Leota E. Schoff, Dorothy E. Beck, Gladys G. Parker, Frederick T. Hawes, Eleanor E. Hall, and Eleanor S. Alvord.

1934 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal. Teachers were Herbert Grayson, Annie B. Delano, Leota E. Schoff, Gladys G. Parker, Agnes E. Forman, Arthur W. Back, Charles A. Parmiter, Eleanor E. Hall, and Catherine E. West.

1935 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal. Teachers were Herbert Grayson, Annie B. Delano, Leota E. Schoff, Katherine M. Gailey, Arthur W. Back, Charles A. Parmenter, Otis B. Oakman, and Ethel F. Brooks.

1936 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal.

1937 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal.

1938 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal.

1939 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal.

1940 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal.

1941 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal.

1942 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal.

1943 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal.

1944 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal.

1945 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal.

1946 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal.

1947 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal.

1948 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal.

1949 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal.

1950 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal.

1951 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal.

1952 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal.

1953 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal.

1954 - Raleigh B. Bubar was principal. This was the last class to graduate from the Alonzo K. Learned High School (Holden High School). After 1954 all Holden high school students were members of the graduating classes of Wachusett Regional High School.